6 participating cities Barcelona, Berlin, Bucharest, Gteborg, Ploiesti, Rome Starting from a benchmarking (WP2) on the state of the art of the cycling systems, 4 types of actions will be carried out and tested at the local level:
WP3 Bike-sharing,a challenging and innovative measure seeking to transfer the betterknown principles of car-sharing to bicycles. This WP will be led byBerlin (DB Rent). WP4 Communication and Awareness Raising, ledby Gteborg, will address the efforts to inform travellers and make themaware of the benefits of alternative clean travel options andparticularly cycling; WP5 Planning for Cycling willtackle the issue of encouraging cycling from a different angle, that ofintegrating cycling planning in the broader framework of spatial andtransport planning and accordingly providing adequate infrastructurefor deployment. This workpackage will be led by Rome (Dipartimento X); WP6 Building Local Partnerships will work towards involving local actors in the cycling plans of the municipal authorities. It will be led by Barcelona.
The evaluation workpackage (WP7)will analyse and report the project results, highlighting similaritiesand difference samong cities (cross-comparison), barriers and success,drawing conclusions on their transferability. This WP will be led bythe University of Rome (DITS). The experiences with different types ofmeasures and the results obtained will be disseminated to a wideaudience of European cities (WP8-WP9). 