Velo Mondial is lead by Pascal van den Noort who is a conceptual thinker, skilled moderator, mobility expert and your best option for learning about ‘Amsterdam and cycling’.
Velo Mondial is involved (2018-2022) as partner in the ambitious European project ‘CiViTAS Handshake’: ‘CiViTAS Handshake’ will support the take-up and transfer of successful cycling measures developed by three world-class cycling cities - Copenhagen (Denmark), Amsterdam (the Netherlands), and Munich (Germany) - to ten other cities across the EU. The project blends cycling policy, design and promotional expertise from these three Cycling Capitals with emerging innovation from the ten Future Cycling Capitals. They are Bordeaux (France), Bruges (Belgium), Cadiz (Spain), Dublin (Ireland), Greater Manchester (UK), Helsinki (Finland), Krakow (Poland), Riga (Latvia), Rome (Italy) and Torino (Italy).
Velo Mondial also works on VeloCittà: a project for Bicycle Share Systems improvement. VeloCittà aims to provide inspiration and build capacity in local authorities and Bicycle Share System stakeholders. We work with stakeholders that are engaged with the design and implementation of effective and resource-efficient solutions. This aims to result in a boost in the uptake of Bicycle Share Systems and set in motion a beneficial snowball effect on urban cycling as a whole. The project formally ended in February 2017 and the Final project report showcasing all activities, results and lessons can be downloaded here! VeloCittà will see its results continued in collaboration between ‘Isinnova’ (Rome), ‘Urbtrans’ (London) and Velo Mondial (Amsterdam).
For VeloCittà Velo Mondial is developing a concept for a ‘Digital Urban Mobility Network’. The concept was first launched during the ‘European Cycling Summit 2018’ in Salzburg Austria. The launch speech can be found here and states amongst other: “Why have a public space with rules and regulations and a digital space without them? Who would stop cities from setting rules and regulations in your newly claimed realm? This would really help cities in controlling free-floating bike share systems, and all the other offerings that are out there. This will allow cities to make a digital mobility network for their city and compel operators to work through that digital mobility network. A digital mobility network is basically a portal where operators login with their system before they start their business. Cities are then in control and will have the opportunity to set rules for the operators that they’ll have to adhere to when they offer their services to the public; a one stop shop for shared mobility”.
A blast from the past: Velo Mondial’s projects included: The Urban Transport Benchmark Initiative, National Cycling Policy Benchmarking Program, LUTR/PLUME, Velo.Info, Spicycles, Bikes for Africa, Pas-Port to Mobility, With a Dutch Touch, Low Lijn Water Walking Path and Hanging Gardens, ‘AMS=Cycling’ and many more. In VELO.INFO, Velo Mondial helped make huge strides in cycling policy development and implementation in Barcelona, Berlin, Bucharest, Gothenburg, Ploiesti and Rome. In CiViTAS MIMOSA, Velo Mondial worked with Bologna, Funchal, Gdansk, Tallinn and Utrecht integrating cycling into sustainable urban mobility planning. In Spicycles Velo Mondial worked with Rome, Berlin, Bucharest, Ploiesti, Barcelona and Gotheburg on bikesharing, communication & awareness raising, local partnerships and planning for cycling. Velo Mondial helped create the CycleCities reports ‘New Ways to Go’: Private investment in Cycling Planning & Public investment in Cycling Planning for the London Borough of Merton. Velo Mondial produced thematic videos on urban mobility where cycling plays an important role, is the author of “Enabling Cycling Cities; Ingredients for Success”, and organised the highly successful 'New Amsterdam Bike Slam’ in New York City. Velo Mondial created the format in City Hall of Amsterdam of ‘A summer evening on cycling’, the closing night for the University of Amsterdam Summer School: 'Planning the cycling city’. Velo Mondial is the architect of the City of Amsterdam’s program for the international promotion as a cycling city that's presently being executed.